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"Good for Her"
Good for Her, an in-person feminist women’s issues processing group for women 18 and up.
Tuesday 7-8 PM, September 1st - December 15th, 2022
$45 dollar fee
Led by SJ Knowlton, LPCA
“Good for her” is short hand for the satisfaction audiences feel when a female character realizes their desires and/or receives a fulfilling conclusion. This group aims to empower women in the same way by creating a supportive environment to discuss women’s issues, including relationships, social expectations, and how they impact mental health.
The group follows these 3 guidelines
1. Create a safe space for yourself and others
2. Commit to learning and adjusting together
3. Cultivate an environment of support.
Email SJ Knowlton at to sign up or learn more.
Learn more about the benefits of group therapy here.
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